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COVID 19 Educational Opportunities

If you are not willing to learn, no one can help you.  If you are determined to learn, no one can stop you. - Zig Ziglar.

I hope everyone is safe and doing well as we adjust to working from home.  If there is anything I can do for you during this time, please let me know. Here is a summary of the work we will be doing.  See my google classroom pages for more information and to submit assignments.  If you have any questions, please email me at and I will respond within 24 hours.  


Dustin Ashworth

Principles of Business

Watch the Toys R Us video and complete the review. 

Login to and complete the next five modules after Savings, which should be completed. Do Banking, Payment Types, Credit Scores, and Higher Education and Renting vs. Owning.  There will be a quiz later on this material.

Digital Media

Complete the Day in the life video and edit it with whatever apps you have available.  Your content should cover at least a 24 hour span of your daily activities.   Remember you can add a voice over explaining what you are doing in each scene.  Upload the completed video to Google Classroom under Projects. 



Complete your advertising project using whatever camera/ phones and apps you have available.  One of my favorite editing apps is Snapseed.  Remember to include the Brand Name as text in the picture.  Upload the completed product on to Google classroom. 

Read the article about how to do macro photography with a phone.  Practice taking macro shots in preparation for our next project.

IBCA (Intro to business Computer Applications)

Go to website and create a login using your school email.  Go to the advanced tab and complete the Numeric Keypad Unit –this includes 20 lessons.  This will prepare you for creating tables in Word.

For extra challenge, do the HTML and CSS units as well.  This will show you the language used in creating web pages.  It’s very interesting to see how all the pieces work.

Quest for Success

Finances- Unit 6 Managing Money to Meet my goals. 

Complete the worksheet “Wishful wants or Necessary needs” and submit to google Classroom.  If necessary you may write your answers legibly on a sheet of paper then take a photograph and upload it. 

Bank, Credit, or Thrift: Which one is right for me?  Listen to the Money smart Podcast on and write down four facts that you learn about each institution (Banks, Credit Unions and Thrifts).  Then decide which one you would put your money in and explain at the bottom of the page. 

On the Second page, research 3 banks and fill in the blanks with their features.  Then decide which one you would invest in based on your findings.